Day: March 25, 2020

Monkey Manners 31st December 2018

Peak holiday season now in Goa, which brings about many advantages to our monkey residents. Lots of startlingly white people to be seen, even in our local market of Mapusa, this market is on the list of things to do in Goa, which is a big boost to the local stall holders, as many tourists

Diwali Time 12th November 2018

Everyone who has been to India will have noticed the large number of celebratory festival days. With some 33 million Gods, it’s not surprising! At the moment it is the extended Diwali season here, all female staff have to be home to cook and serve the many sweet treats prepared for all the relatives, guests

Chaos from Humans, Follows the Rains 29th September 2018

Sweety and Matilda continue with their friendship, indeed Matilda is very protective of her and will not now allow Sweety out, without her. She pulls her back until she has her own collar on, and knows they are going together. This is not entirely helpful for us, as Sweety is a much easier monkey to

Frogs and Rain 22nd June 2018

May proved a very difficult month for us, with the baby Faye taking up all our time and energy, days of elation when she was doing well, followed by despair when she didn’t make it. We gave her all our love and attention, and did not let her suffer, but are so sad that she

Tiny New Arrival 6th May 2018

First day of May bought in a tiny orphaned Langur baby. She had been found on the road side, and although we cannot know the fate of mother, she was I would suspect, a victim of the ever increasing traffic, how the little baby avoided a similar fate, is pretty amazing. Although only a few

Rubbish Fiasco 22nd March 2018

An ironic tale, for anyone who has visited this Indian holiday state of Goa, where the first impression on arrival is inevitably, the masses of discarded rubbish visible everywhere. There is effectively no efficient system of collection and disposal in place, so most households and businesses just dump it from vehicles, anywhere along the road

Times of Plenty 12th February 2018

Problems in finding Indian staff to work with the animals continues, the last boy who came, moving on to a much desired government job with all its built in benefits ,after just a few weeks. He did in fact take one or two of the easy monkeys out for a walk by the end of

Paradise for Birds 21st November 2017

Happily the new leader of the wild langur troop causing so much trouble last month, has at last started to moderate his behavior, and is restricting his hatred of our resident langurs to his verbal barking and the standard display threats. He no longer feels the need to noisily trash my roof! Now I just

Noise And Destruction 26th October 2017

The holiday season here in Goa has started to roll into action, with some startling white faces to be seen amongst the locals in town, and an adventurous few even making it out to the Tree House already, to see our work . The local and large troop of wild Langurs has been causing us

Rare Birds And Sunshine 15th September 2017

After a couple of weeks of really heavy rains, which caused flooding and chaos in nearby Mumbai, some nice sunny days again. The monkeys and particularly the youngsters couldn’t wait to get back in the pool again, and take their garden walks, so they could strip any flower buds, optimistically beginning to show. Exotic visitors