
He was being kept as a pet and restaurant attraction. Confiscating him from his situation proved very traumatic even though it is totally illegal to keep any wildlife in India. (John had special recognition from the Animal Welfare Board of India, The Central Zoo Authority and the Department of Environment and Forests).

The owners of Preston reacted to John informing them that he was confiscating the monkey with immediate violence. The group was attacked with sticks and a machete and John was particularly lucky to get away without serious injury. However whilst he was being attacked one of the volunteers, Linda Horton, coolly undid the collar and hiding the baby down her shirt front quickly walked off with him. He has been named Preston after Linda’s home town in recognition of her quick thinking and bravery.

Preston is a very bold character and seemed totally fearless. He showed no concern at any of the dogs and bounced even on those that growled at him.

Preston now shares a pen with Tufty and now grown up, he can be friendly to visitors, if hes in the mood.

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