Sassy's Story
Ginger and white, female 9 months approx. Arrived January 2020On arrival at the local market, it was reported to me that a car had just pulled in , and dumped a lot of cats and kittens , before driving off.On searching, the bodies of several young kittens were lying about where the resident dog packs had killed them. A bag of underage but alive kittens were still on the pavement, they were about 3-4 weeks old. Further searching revealed two surviving ones of about 8 weeks. Older cats had also been dumped, and these had fled or were in hiding, except one female, who I hoped was the tiny kitten’s mother.I put her in the pet carrier with them, but she showed no interest. I sent the bag of underage kittens to the World Vet Centre, as its easy for them to find good homes for young and cute kittens. However, an older cat that I managed to catch, after being speyed by WVC, has now come back to love with me (just a bit too old to be cute enough to easily find a home). She adapted well to her new environment, and the many other animals here, and we called her Sassy, as she strode around the place with such confidence when first let out of her safe confinement, and that after only a few days due to her accepting so quickly ,the presence of so many other cats, dogs and monkeys.