Back In Goa 15th September 2012

Sorry, a non functioning computer has led to delay in posting news reports.

Many thanks to Max and his family who have now returned to a normal life! We are back from the UK and a somewhat boring and frustrating trip to England, where we were trying to arrange to get the Primate Trust India registered as a UK Charity, so any donations can more easily be transferred from England to here.

During the monsoon season there are few tourists in Goa to be reporting on, or bringing in animals so it’s the quietest time of the year for the rescue centres. In England there were endless forms to be read and filled in with the help of various volunteers who loaned us their computers / printers/ copiers as well as their time to get this paperwork done. Essential help, as we live in a camper van during our stay in England.

Max and his family had moved in to the house to supervise the care of the monkeys and staff in our absence. They had their hands full with two new babies arriving. One, a very young bonnet macaque male, named Dennis who was confiscated by the Forestry Dept .and later yet another baby Langur whose mother had been killed on the road, named “Evie”. Both are doing very well, although Ella, the young baby we left behind is suffering from persistent diarrhoea and is on treatment at present. All three babies are being reared together, and despite the difference in species get on well at this young age. All are still getting the 24 hour human contact which is essential, but it is a very tiring round of bottles, nappy changes and play sessions, but very little sleep!


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